In a mess is what I am! So many projects laying around on my table and desk to work on. Too many WIP’s!
I didn’t put in a post last week as I didn’t have a picture. And, I’m pretty embarrassed to show you this one.
I have completed some things–pin cushion scrap bags, a fabric wreath, covered notebooks, and the t-shirt latch hook rug. And, all that I completed I have added to my Crafts and Sewing Store. I still have quite a lot of items that were previously listed to get back into my store. I also have been adding the drawstring backpacks that I finished in June.
Now for the picture. My goal for July was to finish 3 sets of the doll bedding sets. If I put my mind to it, I can still make my goal. I have some notebooks there that are done and listed. I have fabric there to make more of the covered notebooks. I have strips up there to sew together for rugs. I have fabric to cut and make into a baby quilt. I really want to get all of these things done and my desk and table cleaned off!

I am linking up with the following blogs:
Sounds like my situation. I am just getting back into some sewing, doing a block of the week, and making masks, of course. I have four draw string bags to do as well.