Just another detour in my life. My mother had a stroke this past week and is in the hospital. She was transferred to in patient rehab today. The quilt retreat just became even a bigger question to whether I will be able to go—time wise and afford it. My sewing machine is still at my…
Month: January 2022
WIP Wednesday–Upcoming Retreat
I have a retreat coming up in February. I hope to be able to go. As my husband said just yesterday—that is where I get the most done. In the meantime, I’ve taken even more to my mom’s apartment. If I do get to go to the retreat all I have to do is take…
WIP Wednesday–Sewing at Mom’s
Not finding time since before Christmas to use my sewing machine, I have taken my machine and some projects to work on to my mom’s. It’s been fun to sit and sew while I am spending time with her. Update on my daughter–after almost 5 weeks in the hospital, she is home until the 27th….
WIP Wednesday–It’s a New Year
It may be a new year, but I’m not starting the year with many changes. For an update on my daughter–once her white blood cell count stabalizes, they are going to allow her to go home and spend a couple days with the children. She will then go to another hospital for an evaluation for…