Life happened again and not much got done. Life being that we lost Jacob and Jordan’s dad expectantly last Wednesday afternoon. Sigh……. not good. Now they have lost both parents within 2 years. Even during any free time I just wasn’t much in a mood to do much of anything. Next week I have my…
WIP Wednesday–Yellow My Favorite Color
Yellow has been my favorite color for a long time. You don’t see near enough quilts with yellow. Yellow is this month’s color with the Super Scrappy Challenge. More on this later in my post. In the meantime, here is my to-do list from last week: Please right click to open any links in a…
WIP Wednesday–Spring Fever
The weather has gone from frigid to spring like. I’m really hoping it stays! Ups my mood bringing on the Spring Fever. My to-do list from last week included: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my blog. Thanks! 35…
WIP Wednesday–Sick Days and Snow Days
The past few weeks have been full of too many sick days and snow days both. Sick days, bad no matter what. Snow days are cold, but gives the opportunity to stay home and get more done. Last week’s list continued from the week before: Please right click to open any links in a new…
WIP Wednesday–Not Much Progress
I didn’t make much progress on projects this past week. My list will stay the same as last week. Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my blog. Thanks! I didn’t get any more blue yo-yo’s made. I pinned the…
WIP Wednesday–Bags, Blocks, and Blue
That’s what I worked on this past week, bags, blocks, and blue. This was my list: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my blog. Thanks! I ran out of brown plastic bags. I cut some more up while I…
WIP Wednesday–Where Did January Go?
January seemed to fly by. Maybe it was all the snow days we had. I’m happy with projects I’ve worked on even though only a few were actually completed…..or were any? Last week’s list: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here…
WIP Wednesday–Pink
I decided mid-month that I will take part in the super scrappy color of the month challenge. This month is pink and I’ve decided to make yo-yo’s this year with the color. Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my…
WIP Wednesday–Mid January
Middle of January already. I’ve been working along as I can on projects. My list from last week: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my blog. Thanks! My brother made a larger pillow out of the front of the…
WIP Wednesday–Into The New Year
I intended to write a post last Wednesday. The day came to an end and I realized it was Wednesday. I’ve ended up doing a lot of things during these past 2 weeks (3 weeks?). I didn’t make a to-do list as I had no idea what I would work on. The blizzard came in…