This past week has been more prep work than actually finishing anything. I will have details in my pictures. This is last week’s to-do list:
- Get as many projects completed as I can from the table. –only 2 scrubbies completed.
- Work on the Fields of Green rug. –I see I didn’t say how many rows, so completed because I did work on it.
- Get binding made for the colorful 5 and dime quilt.–Done!
- Add at least 10 hexagons on to my scrappy hexagon quilt.–Done–completed this at my little sewing group.
The only day I took time to work on the Fields of Green locker hook rug was yesterday. I did get some rows in, just not as many as I would have liked to.

I did get the binding made for my Colorful 5 and Dime quilt. I also got the edges trimmed as well.

And, here is my project table. Mostly this week I did prep work for finishing, which included starts on the doll rugs, and cutting all of the netting for dish scrubbies. This table view will change from week to week. In fact, it’s already changed since I took this picture yesterday LOL.

This week’s to-do list looks a lot like last weeks:
- Get as many projects completed as I can from the table.
- Work on the Fields of Green rug.
- Get binding machine sewn on to the colorful 5 and dime quilt.
- Add at least 10 hexagons on to my scrappy hexagon quilt.
I am linking up with the following blogs this week:
You checked off most of the things on your list so I would call that very successful! Thanks for sharing your projects on Wednesday Wait Loss.