Weeks have gone by and I’ve not shared my new little great granddaughter, Azalea Jean. She was born 8 weeks early, but is doing great. This is one of her one month photos taken on March 7th.

Now on to the projects. Here is last week’s to-do list:
- Make 2 burp rags.–made 4
- Continue to work on the lockerhook rug.–one day
- Cut as many baby bibs our as I can.–not just cut, but 11 made!
- Finish 4 more cozies.–done
I apologize that my pictures aren’t that great.

Let’s see about a list for this coming week:
- Crochet 5 hacky sacks
- Continue to work on the lockerhook rug.
- Find sashing/border fabric for a Pennies From Heaven quilt
- Finish 4 more cozies.
I am linking up with the following blogs:
R u going to bring some cozies to guild sale Mon.?
I didn’t think of bringing items made to the members sale 🙂
Awww!!! What an adorable baby, and name!!! Precious! And you have been busy making baby things!!!