I doubt that I will do a post next Wednesday as the quilt retreat is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. And, we go to family night on Wednesday evenings at the Methodist church.
My plan for the retreat is to work on baby blankets. I have a large bag of fabrics and supplies ready to go and to see what I can get made.
Here are my to-do’s for this past week, although I didn’t do too well with them. Life just gets in the way a lot.
- Finish and frame the diamond art.–Done, and mad that I forgot to take a picture.
- Make a check list every night for the following day.–well, I did one day!
- Start a red and green toothbrush rug.–No
- A good effort to clear more out of and organize my sewing/craft/office room.–No
- Get a start on finishing the Diamonds quilt top.–Good thing I just put get a start, although the top is almost complete now.
So……..I am addicted to diamond art. I think you all know that now. My other larger one is this sunflower. I think it’s going to be gorgeous! I just don’t think that I can help myself but to work on diamond art every day. That is until I don’t have any to work on. I have 4 smaller ones left after this larger one. I wonder if I can talk hubby into ordering me some more 🙂

I pretty well have the top of the diamonds quilt done. I tried to stay up last night to finish it but I was just too tired. I couldn’t find the fabric that I wanted to try for the border, so ended up with this. Not finding something I really want or need should be the motivation I need to get back to sorting and organizing me room!

Next week’s to-do list will be for the next 2 weeks I guess.
- Finish and frame the diamond art.
- Make a check list every night for the following day.
- Start a red and green toothbrush rug.
- Make as many baby blankets as possible at the quilt retreat.
- Finish the Diamonds quilt top and choose backing and binding.
I link up with the following blogs:
Have fun on your trip! A retreat at this time of year sounds so lovely. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss. https://www.inquiringquilter.com/questions/2023/10/18/wednesday-wait-loss-350
Have fun at retreat and making your baby blankets! Your diamond quilt is looking good…I love the barn raising setting!