The state fair started Friday. That’s put a kink in my sewing time. We took 2 grandsons Friday and took my mom on Monday. Done with that now! I did get some pictures and videos on the 6 yr old, Jordan, while there. I walked with him while my husband walked with the 15 yr old. Here is a link to the youtube short I’ve put up. I hope you will go take a look–
Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose your place here on my blog. Thanks!
Here is one of the pictures I took:

Here is my to-do list from last week:
- Work on jingle bell blocks–no
- FINISH reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.–3 or 4 pages a day isn’t going to finish the book very quickly.
- Get the rest of the non-clothes items looked thru in the basement.–no
- List 1 item per day on eBay.–no
- Great Life now has an app so I want to read at least 1 ebook every week.–in the middle of 2 different ebooks
- Find out the color for September and get the scraps gathered.–it’s darks
- Bring the crumb blocks from home to work on getting those sewn together.–done
I had hoped to finish the 2 green crumb placemats, but didn’t quite make it.

I think my list is going to pretty much be the same as last week:
- Work on jingle bell blocks
- FINISH reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.
- Get the rest of the non-clothes items looked thru in the basement.
- List 1 item per day on eBay.
- Great Life now has an app so I want to read at least 1 ebook every week.
- Gather black scraps
- Continue to work on crumb placemats.
I link up with the following blogs:
Family time is a gift! The sewing will wait for you 🙂
That’s an amazing photo of your grandson. Great framing, the focus is sharp and he’s smiling so big! Even though you didn’t get enough time to sew, you sure had fun last week. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
Marsha it looks like you had very special, very important reasons for not getting your goals met. Instead you had family fun time and that is so very necessary and more important than sewing. Your green placemats are going to be pretty and very cheerful finishes. Thank you for sharing the link to To-Do Tuesday and for linking to our party. I hope this week has been fun and you are happy with any progress you’ve made on your To Do List. 😉 Carol