Life happened again and not much got done. Life being that we lost Jacob and Jordan’s dad expectantly last Wednesday afternoon. Sigh……. not good. Now they have lost both parents within 2 years. Even during any free time I just wasn’t much in a mood to do much of anything.
Next week I have my spring break quilt retreat. I won’t be planning on doing a post. I do so look forward to the retreat and getting together again with my sewing friends. I am packed except for putting my stuff in the back of my van.
This is my to-do list from last week:
- Get the rest of mom’s stuff looked through. — it is looked through but needs to be sorted yet.
- Continue to list 1 item each day on eBay.– this did not happen, but I did get photos taken and descriptions written.
- Finish cutting the blue and pink scraps left over into 5 inch and 2.5 inch squares.–no
- Work on a plarn bag.—this is about all I did.
- Get fabrics and batting cut to make more microwave cozies–no
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Looks like I forgot to even put work on yellow yo-yo’s on my to-do list. I kept just not feeling like working on them, but I did end up getting some more done.

I started on the gray plarn bag, sure that I had plenty of gray bags. Of course I don’t! I shopped at Dollar General so got a few more bags for the yellow one. Guess I start on a white one next, but that won’t be until after spring break week. These are all I have felt like working on.

This next week’s to-do list is just different:
- Relax and enjoy myself at the retreat!
- Cut white plastic bags while I am home during Spring break.
- Give the boys lots of love.
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So sorry for your family’s loss. Enjoy your retreat.
I am so sorry for your family’s great loss. It’s understandable you were in a listless space. I’m sure you will enjoy being with your quilty friends. Your yellow yo-yos caught my eye on Carol’s To Do Tuesday…how cute are they? Are you making a table topper? A quilt? I love them!