Missed last week. I didn’t even think about it being Wednesday until very late in the day! Whew! I am just home from a monthly little sewing group and not forgetting this week. Yay me–LOL
This was my to-do list from 2 weeks ago-
- Sew borders on to the quilt top–done
- Finish reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.–not even close yet
- More organizing done in my sewing/craft/office room–worked on
- List 1 item per day on eBay.–been keeping this up
- 27 Fling Boogie each day around the house when I am here.–I did several days, but the donation items are still in the back of my van.
I have continued to try to work on the plastic canvas jingle bell blocks while I babysit. In the evenings while staying over there I have been working on the cat cross stitch. I wasn’t going to show it until the cat was complete, but I need some things to share!
June was my church’s turn to volunteer at the Fair Priced Clothing store. I worked 2 days. One day this bag of netting came in. I went up immediately to buy it for myself. Now I will be making dish scrubbies for the adults for Christmas. I think I am going to make them larger than I have in the past. I have it cut and ready for crocheting.
I found out that the name of this quilt is Christmas Coins. Maybe because of the colors they used in the book. My colors are Christmas, so what should I name it…..what coins? Autumn Coins maybe?
My to-do list isn’t going to change much. When I am home, I really want to be decluttering this house, mostly starting here in my room. I want to keep working on the blocks for Christmas for the babies. I really want to finish the cross stitch so I can move on to diamond art again.
- Get the backing together for the Coins quilt
- Finish reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.
- More organizing done in my sewing/craft/office room
- List 1 item per day on eBay.
- 27 Fling Boogie each day around the house when I am here.
- Continue to work on jingle bell blocks and cross stitch while in Inman.
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