My news is that our Kansas State Fair has officially been cancelled for September. Sad, but I can see how it’s essential to do so. I had plans of what I was putting in, including the t-shirt latch hook rug that I’ve been working on while sitting at my mom’s.
I didn’t get a chance to post last week, but I did take a picture.
Almost filled in finally!

And here it is this week. Front is filled in and I am now working on putting on the no slip backing. It will finally be done!

I worked to finish the fall themed fabric wreath….and just like the rug above, I ran out of strips again. I did find more fall fabrics to cut while looking for other fabric, but it’s put to the side for now. I have some notebook covers that I really want done before this week is over.

I’m getting a little better at making sure that things get worked on each day, but the piles on my table and desk don’t seem to be going down.
I’m looking forward to what I can accomplish over this next week.
I am linking up with the following blogs: