I always have a method to my madness in my mind, but what I’m really working on is trying to end the madness. I am working to establish routines in my housework, crafts/sewing, and my computer work. Hoping to cut out some of the chaos I feel in trying to get things done.
Here is last week’s to-do list, mostly undone again, of course.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.–Done
- Clean off table and put up sewing machine. (yes, I need to do this AGAIN)–Nope
- Find my box of beads.–Nope
- Tie the rectangles quilt–Done!
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.–Happy with my progress.
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.–Nope
I may not have found my box of beads yet, but I did find a bag of gold beads that a guild member had in her giveaway box. I was able to make 16 bracelets so that made me happy.

I didn’t put tearing up the roll of fabric into strips on my to-do list, but I got all the way thru the maroon color. Just look at this stuffed trash bag full!

I thought of putting to make snippet monsters on my to-do list last week as I wanted to fill my basket of them up at my booth. Well…..someone came and bought all that were in the basket, so they did end up on my list. I got 4 done and 3 more to just finish up. Under the monsters is my rectangles quilt, which is now tied and done.

These are the toothbrush trivets I am currently working on. Yes, working on 2 at once. I figure that’s better to get 2 done at the same time.

hhmmm….what to put on my to-do list for this next week.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.
- Clean off table and put up sewing machine.
- Find my box of beads.
- Get out and ready to work on whatever UFO is pulled to work on at quilt guild.
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.–this has to be done by Monday!
- Tear the green strips into small strips.
I am linking up with the following blogs: