I can’t believe it’s the last day of August already. School has started and the Kansas State Fair will be starting soon. You will see below that I got sidetracked as usual from what I had on my to-do list.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing the 2 shawls I have started.–Finished one
- Finish the 10 microwave cozies–Done!
- Find my box of beads.–Need to give up on this for now.
- Finish Lexington quilt.–no, just some of the binding hand sewn down.
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.–not sure I did anything productive here.
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.–OMG No
- Get some work done on rugs.–No, but this has to be done for the fair.
- Get out the Arkansas Crossroads quilt and see what I can do on it.–It’s out and I frog stitched some of the previous quilting.
We had our guild meeting this past Monday. One gal came in with 2 totes of flannel and fun cotton fabrics. It had been given to her. She took what she wanted and was giving away the rest. I got excited about the flannels with baby prints as I’ve been wanting to make more bibs and burp rags. I spent one evening at my mom’s getting them all cut out ready to sew. Also in the picture is the prayer shawl I completed.

Here are the 10 microwave cozies that I finished. I think I will wait until closer to Christmas to put out the Christmas print ones.

I need to call this list my must-do instead of to-do…..but I will try my best to to-do.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing the last prayer shawl I have started.
- Start getting 10 microwave cozies in progress
- Finish Lexington quilt.
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.
- Get some work done on rugs, preparing for my demonstration.
- Decide what I’m doing for quilting on the Arkansas Crossroads quilt.
I am linking up with the following blogs:
Lots of stuff done this week it seems! Thanks for sharing everything on Wednesday Wait Loss.