What a week, with a couple of snow days. They are calling for another snow storm Friday. It’s nice to just stay inside and pretty much do whatever I feel like doing. After 2 days of not going out at all, it was actually nice (and probably good for me) to get out, clear the snow off my van, and go on a little shopping trip to Dollar General.
Last week’s to-do list:
- Work on a craft each day from the project boxes I brought. –didn’t get to this
- Continue to work on the the plarn bed roll–finished
- Work on the lockerhook rug a little each day. done
- Work on soda bottle cap trivets as I collect caps — done
I didn’t get to working on a craft each day from the project boxes because I knew I needed to finish the bed roll and work on the rug. I finished the plarn bed roll and it’s ready to be taken to the guild meeting later this month. I sure hope we don’t have to have another weather cancelation on the meeting.

I worked on the lockerhook rug until I ran out of strings. I didn’t have much of the strips left either. Over the weekend I got more strings to bring and cut and sewed together more strips. Closer and closer to it being done.

I’ve decided to do the RSC color challenge monthly with the soscrappy blog again this year. The color this month is green. While home on the weekend I pulled out pieces of green and cut what I could of 10 inch squares and 5 inch squares, and then strips for the rug as well. I plan to use the 10 inch squares for fabric bowls and microwave cozies. I’m not sure what I will do with the 5 inch squares yet.

Heather brought me a handful of bottle caps so I got more done on the trivets than expected. I actually completed another one. I have 2 others going (different height on some caps). Maybe I should turn the green 5 inch squares into circles and make at least one green trivet too.

This shall be my list for the upcoming week:
- Work on a craft each day from the project boxes I brought.
- Work on microwave cozies over the weekend.
- Finish the lockerhook rug.
- Work on soda bottle cap trivets as I collect caps
- Work on fabric bowls over the weekend.
I am linking up with the following blogs:
Lovely way to start off the year. You’ve got several projects going and they will all move along with each month’s RSC color. That bed roll is going to help someone a lot! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
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