January is over and so is green for RSC. Looks like February is red. I look forward to seeing what I can make with red.
Last week’s list:
- Work on plastic canvas blocks in green.– 1 completed
- Make the pillowcases for charity to be taken to guild on the 29th.–done
- Make pocket tissue covers in green.–done
- Finish a soda bottle cap trivet in green.–not quite finished
- Get advertising type posts written here on my blog. –2 done, 1 to go.
I decided to go ahead and make an all green jingle bell block. It will be part of great granddaughter Azalea’s birthday gifts this weekend. I wish the green colors would show true color in my pictures. One more green trivet done.

2 pillowcases for charity, 4 green pocket tissue covers and 2 more microwave cozies in green.

I had an extra anxious day last week. I haven’t worked on a diamond art for some time now. I remembered how doing them relaxes me. BTW, it worked. I thought I would put the green diamonds on with the pink I had previously done. This picture is just for fun. Not much green on it!

To-Do list for this next week:
- Work on plastic canvas blocks in red.
- Pull out red fabrics for February.
- Cut red fabrics for projects.
- Work on soda cap trivets.
- Get 3rd advertising type post written here on my blog.
I link up with the following blogs:
Great idea to work in the RSC colors because they’ve inspired you to get so much work done. Sorry to hear you had an anxious moment but so glad you had your art to help relax. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.