That’s what I worked on this past week, bags, blocks, and blue.
This was my list:
- Continue working on the Thangles blocks.– no
- Finish the jingle bell blocks.– yes
- Continue to look thru items in my room.– no
- Work on the little memory pillows for mom. –no
- Finish the plarn bag. –no
- Make more pink yo-yo’s and find out February’s color to get out that color scraps– made one more then worked on blue, the color for February.
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I ran out of brown plastic bags. I cut some more up while I was at home last weekend. Still not enough! I have 4 more rows yet before I even start on the handles. This pattern makes a large bag. Since I didn’t have any more brown, I couldn’t help myself but to start on another one, this one in yellow.

I did finish the jingle bell plastic canvas blocks while at home this last weekend. The weekend before while sorting stuff I did find a bit more plastic canvas. So, I can make more later, but that will be a project for later.

I sorted scraps and pulled out all of the blue so this months Super Scrappy color of blue. I got these made so far. The pink ones went together well. I’m seeming to have trouble getting the blue to come out right for some reason,

I have plans to attend a retreat in March during Spring break, and another one in June. I’m already thinking about what I will work on. I’m really thinking of putting the Thangles blocks away until then. I also know that I have a baby blanket that needs to be made for charity. Also baby blankets for 2 more great grandchildren that are on the way. Sounds like the plan to me.
In the meanwhile, this is what I hope to get done this next week:
- Work on the black and white wall hanging.
- Continue to look thru items in my room.
- Work on the little memory pillows for mom.
- Get more brown plastic bags cut into plarn and finish the plarn bag.
- Make more blue yo-yo’s for February’s color.
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I loved finding your blog today. You do quite a few different crafts! WOW! I admire your goal setting. ( It made me feel good that you were honest about what you had been able to do.) I just am very inconsistent on it. Sometimes, I can make lists and canaccomplish quite a lot and other days, I just languish doing little projects or such.