No sewing is getting done. This includes getting the orange scraps out for the super scrappy monthly color. I am going to bring my sewing machine here to the little house next week. Last week’s list included: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window so that you don’t lose…
Tag: handmade
WIP Wednesday–Not Much Progress
Wednesday flew in again. Nowhere to go today but still running behind on getting this post up. I need opinions please on the runner rug that I am working on. See below. In the meanwhile, here is my list from last week: Please right click to open any links in a new tab or window…
WIP Wednesday–Another Busy Wednesday
Another busy Wednesday so later in the day than I like to get my blog post written. I need to learn to put it into draft and write it as I get things to take pictures of. My son is home as of Friday morning. He wanted to go camping. Since we were already going…
WIP Wednesday–Distracted
Not quite sure, but I think one of my middle names should be distracted. The other middle name would be busy, of course. Our massive success team leader, Rob Gehring, challenged us to do a youtube short every day for 30 days. It’s a way to brand ourselves, but also a way to make us…
WIP Wednesday–Missed
Missed last week. I didn’t even think about it being Wednesday until very late in the day! Whew! I am just home from a monthly little sewing group and not forgetting this week. Yay me–LOL This was my to-do list from 2 weeks ago- I have continued to try to work on the plastic canvas…
WIP Wednesday–Routines
Routines–something I must establish. I have made a daily list. Don’t worry, not sharing that here, but it’s long. I guess just wish me good luck on getting things in order. Last week I had hoped to get these things done over the last week. When I was back to the little house for a…
WIP Wednesday–Quilt Top
Quilt top–about all I got done this past week. Maybe one of these days I will get it together—nah, probably not LOL Take each day as the blessing it is and be content with how each day goes. Last week’s to-do list: I put my foot down, on the sewing machine pedal, and did get…
WIP Wednesday–Puzzling
Puzzling because I finished one jigsaw puzzle this past week and am now working on another one. Let’s see what I was supposed to be doing this past week: I didn’t take a picture of the first jigsaw puzzle. This is how far I was on the current one this morning. I’ve done more since…
WIP Wednesday–Already?
It’s Wednesday already. How did that happen? I was sitting here thinking it was Tuesday, then I realized that it is Wednesday. I do hope the days continue to go by fast until August. Then they can slow down. You may have noticed that I working on getting more blog posts written besides just this…
WIP Wednesday–OMG Again
OMG! The last 2 Wednesday’s have been busy away from home. I need to start writing up my post in draft as I do things so that Wednesday it doesn’t take as long. Just add that to the many things on my daily to-do list already. As for the last to-do list I made: This…