OMG! I didn’t pay attention to the calendar to see that Memorial Day is on the usual day for guild. Nor did I get to the emails telling me that we were meeting a week early. This means that I missed the challenge. So, now you get to see it. It was to make a…
Tag: handmade
WIP Wednesday–Life
Life is ever changing. I had over a week where I did no sewing or crafting. This is why I missed doing my post last week. School is out this week. I will be going back to staying in my own house full time. Another change in routine to get used to. I know I…
WIP Wednesday–Time Flies
It’s been a busy 2 week for sure! Time flies and here we are to May 1st already. The retreat last week was wonderful. Those ladies really went all out for my birthday, at least it was all out for me! A cake, a card, a gift card to the quilt shop, a bag with…
WIP Wednesday–Camping
Hubby is on vacation this week and I’ve paid for the week to park the camper at the Inman RV park since I still have to babysit each day this week. I am enjoying staying in the camper! I only brought the cross stitch and some diamond art with me. I plan to only work…
WIP Wednesday–Ways To Go
As you will see later, I have a ways to go on the cross stitch. a LONG way to go! I didn’t work on much else over the last week. I did get 2 washcloths crocheted, so will share when I finish the 3rd one. I won’t be working on much at all, and nothing…
WIP Wednesday–Holiday Weekend
The holiday weekend was nice. It was great to get together with so many in the family for Easter. Other than getting ready for the get together, I just worked on what I felt like working on. In other words, not much from the to-do list got done. I only have two pictures to show…
WIP Wednesday–The To-Do’s
My to-do list from this past week was longer than I normally make it. I feel like I did make a lot of the list, so let’s see how I did. I’m sure that once I get in to Great Life and finish the Healthy Habits ebook, I need to make the Time Management one…
WIP Wednesday–Spring Break
Last week it was Spring break here. I had thought of all the things I was going to get done during the week. Most of those things just didn’t get done. My days sure did not go as I had planned them to. Here is the list that I made for myself: I didn’t have…
WIP Wednesday–Back Reveal
I’m really just being funny with my title. I only have one picture to share this week and it’s the fabric for the backing of my guild challenge quilt. I know what’s under it, so I can see through the backing, can you? If so, keep it a secret LOL I had a list to…
WIP Wednesday–Secret Sewing
I did sew this past week, but it’s secret sewing, so I’m not able to share it here yet. I worked on my challenge quilt for guild. Since there are a few of the guild members who look at my blog, I can’t share it until after we do our reveal at guild in May….