I did decide to make the crumb blocks into placemats. I brought some backing fabric and a another fabric to center them from home. I managed to complete 2 placemats so far.
Here was my list from last week:
- Work on jingle bell blocks–a little work done
- FINISH reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.–not yet
- More cleaning in basement on days that I am home.–only worked one day out of 3
- List 1 item per day on eBay.–got behind on this too
- Get back to work on the cat cross stitch–not at all, going to remove this one
- Find out the color for September and get the scraps gathered.–anyone know what the color is? I can’t seem to find where she posted it.
- Bring the crumb blocks from home to work on getting those sewn together.–done
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Here are the 2 crumb placemats that I finished:

I did bring the stack of crumb blocks from the house. Most of them still need to be made into half square triangles. I did get them all cut and ready to sew back together.

Next week’s list:
- Work on jingle bell blocks
- FINISH reading Spatriati so that I can get the review up on my blog.
- Get the rest of the non-clothes items looked thru in the basement.
- List 1 item per day on eBay.
- Great Life now has an app so I want to read at least 1 ebook every week.
- Find out the color for September and get the scraps gathered.
- Bring the crumb blocks from home to work on getting those sewn together.
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Those crumb placemats are so colorful! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.