What did I get? Well, something done that wasn’t on my to-do list. Stay tuned later in the post to see just what that was.
Here’s the list from last week.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.–Done
- Clean off table and put up sewing machine.–Done
- Find my box of beads.–No 🙁
- Finish 1 t-shirt braided bowls.–I’ve given up on this for now.
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.–Made good strides
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.–OMG No
Last week Linda, from Texas Quilt Gal, asked me how my diamond art was going. I actually did work on the Cougar one evening at my mom’s.

I was looking on Amazon and I really want to buy this one, it’s too beautiful.
I took this rug to my small sewing group to work on. I got it this far, which is 10 x 8 inches. They suggested that I stop at that side and sell them as trivets. It definitely will work for that, so I did stop it. I’m back to work on getting that big roll of strips cut and torn for more rugs. Darn, forgot to take a picture of the strips I made just this past week!

Now, this is what I got done. I had mom over at my house, set up my table in the living room, and sandwiched the rectangles quilt. I did the turn method. I suppose that since I am going to tie it, it becomes a blanket instead of a quilt.

So let me think of my to-do list for this next week.
- Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.
- Clean off table and put up sewing machine. (yes, I need to do this AGAIN)
- Find my box of beads.
- Tie the rectangles quilt
- Continue daily to work some on cleaning and organizing my sewing/craft/office room.
- Sew 2 pillowcases for charity.
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You have a lot going on! I think your rectangle quilt is still a quilt if tied. what version of the Bible are you using? Thank you!
I am listening to the NIV at Biblica.com. They have lots of versions to choose from. NIV is what I am most comfortable with.
How clever to turn that rug into a trivet! So useful in a dining room. Love that little cougar! I see a kitty in your future. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.