I am still working on the quilting of the Arkansas Crossroads quilt. No other sewing this past week. This means that my to-do list from last week remains the same this week. Here it is, the Arkansas Crossroads almost done quilting. I am still working a little bit each day on the Christmas cross stitch….
Tag: sewing
WIP Wednesday–A Month and 2 Retreats Later
Yes, a month and 2 retreats later I am finally just taking the time to do a post! Wednesday’s have become busier than they used to be, especially with adding that we now attend family night at another church. So, I finished finger crocheting a blanket with the chenille yarn, and finished a small chunky…
WIP Wednesday–What I Did Do
Still reeling from a very busy life! I didn’t get a post put up last week AGAIN. Here is what I did do the past 2 weeks: Put together a puzzle started a cross stitch crocheted 1 scrubbie made 14 bead bracelets finished the crochet lap blanket…..that was intended to be a wrap. At quilt…
WIP Wednesday–Rush
Rush…..that’s my life with so many outside forces. My oldest daughter has been in the hospital for awhile. They still aren’t figuring anything out. I have charge of her 2 youngest, or I did until daddy came and took the older son and the big dog with him in his semi for a few days….
WIP Wednesday–Making It Work
I’m working at making it work…..working in more time for making. Just taking some of the time needed. Last week’s to-do list: Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing the last prayer shawl I have started.–DONE Start getting 10 microwave cozies in progress–Bought the batting, does that…
WIP Wednesday–August Gone Already
I can’t believe it’s the last day of August already. School has started and the Kansas State Fair will be starting soon. You will see below that I got sidetracked as usual from what I had on my to-do list. Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing…
WIP Wednesday–Quilting
Most of my week when I had time, was used to quilt the Lexington quilt. This means my to-do list once again pretty much went by the way side. Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.–Yes on listening, no on crocheting. Finish the 10 microwave cozies–No Find my box…
WIP Wednesday–I Need Time
I guess instead of need time I should say I want more time. I have so many other obligations that it’s so hard to get in the time. I’m doing what I can, when I can. Here is my list from last week: Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl…
WIP Wednesday–Old Faithful
Old Faithful would be the sewing machine that was my first machine. Hubby bought it for me at Wal-Mart around 15 years ago on a Black Friday at Wal-Mart. Cost a whole $40, but I’ve pulled it out again to at least be able to sew some. I’ve not decided what to do with the…
WIP Wednesday–Darn Sewing Machine
That darn sewing machine that I had serviced just before the last retreat is not working right again. gggrrrrr! On the last day of the retreat it started gathering while I sewed. It’s still doing that, but now it’s breaking my thread every few stitches too. In other words, I can’t use it. 🙁 If…