Of everything on my to-do list last week, all that I got finished was the Christmas table runners. That means that once again my to-do list will stay the same for this coming week. Here they are, done and ready to go to my booth. I love making these and hope to make them for…
Tag: to-do Tuesday
WIP Wednesday–Happy Thanksgiving!
Last week’s to-do list: I had to get the big table out of my room once the quilt was done. I did clean off my desk. Now, I am set up at the end of the desk. Yo can see in the picture that I am working on the one table runner. The squares for…
WIP Wednesday–Still Quilting
I am still working on the quilting of the Arkansas Crossroads quilt. No other sewing this past week. This means that my to-do list from last week remains the same this week. Here it is, the Arkansas Crossroads almost done quilting. I am still working a little bit each day on the Christmas cross stitch….
WIP Wednesday–A Month and 2 Retreats Later
Yes, a month and 2 retreats later I am finally just taking the time to do a post! Wednesday’s have become busier than they used to be, especially with adding that we now attend family night at another church. So, I finished finger crocheting a blanket with the chenille yarn, and finished a small chunky…
WIP Wednesday–What I Did Do
Still reeling from a very busy life! I didn’t get a post put up last week AGAIN. Here is what I did do the past 2 weeks: Put together a puzzle started a cross stitch crocheted 1 scrubbie made 14 bead bracelets finished the crochet lap blanket…..that was intended to be a wrap. At quilt…
WIP Wednesday–Making It Work
I’m working at making it work…..working in more time for making. Just taking some of the time needed. Last week’s to-do list: Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing the last prayer shawl I have started.–DONE Start getting 10 microwave cozies in progress–Bought the batting, does that…
WIP Wednesday–August Gone Already
I can’t believe it’s the last day of August already. School has started and the Kansas State Fair will be starting soon. You will see below that I got sidetracked as usual from what I had on my to-do list. Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily, including finishing…
WIP Wednesday–Quilting
Most of my week when I had time, was used to quilt the Lexington quilt. This means my to-do list once again pretty much went by the way side. Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl daily.–Yes on listening, no on crocheting. Finish the 10 microwave cozies–No Find my box…
WIP Wednesday–I Need Time
I guess instead of need time I should say I want more time. I have so many other obligations that it’s so hard to get in the time. I’m doing what I can, when I can. Here is my list from last week: Continue to listen to the Bible and crochet on a prayer shawl…
WIP Wednesday–Old Faithful
Old Faithful would be the sewing machine that was my first machine. Hubby bought it for me at Wal-Mart around 15 years ago on a Black Friday at Wal-Mart. Cost a whole $40, but I’ve pulled it out again to at least be able to sew some. I’ve not decided what to do with the…