Just another detour in my life. My mother had a stroke this past week and is in the hospital. She was transferred to in patient rehab today. The quilt retreat just became even a bigger question to whether I will be able to go—time wise and afford it. My sewing machine is still at my…
Tag: sewing
WIP Wednesday–Upcoming Retreat
I have a retreat coming up in February. I hope to be able to go. As my husband said just yesterday—that is where I get the most done. In the meantime, I’ve taken even more to my mom’s apartment. If I do get to go to the retreat all I have to do is take…
WIP Wednesday–Sewing at Mom’s
Not finding time since before Christmas to use my sewing machine, I have taken my machine and some projects to work on to my mom’s. It’s been fun to sit and sew while I am spending time with her. Update on my daughter–after almost 5 weeks in the hospital, she is home until the 27th….
WIP Wednesday–Out the Window
What’s out the window? My schedule! LOL I have quickly figured out that there are just other items that need to be worked on. I ended up realizing late last Wednesday that I didn’t put up a post. I guess Thanksgiving prep took over. Here is my last to-do list, which now will change. Listen…
WIP Wednesday–A Mess
I’m titling a mess because that is still what my table looks like. Not sure my schedule went very well, mostly because of time in a day. But, let’s post the to-do list from last week and go from there. Listen to the Bible daily while working on the prayer shawl.–DONE Work hard to stick…
WIP Wednesday–Schedule
In last week’s to-do list I only had two items. Listen to the Bible daily while working on the prayer shawl.–DONE Make a daily project list and stick to it.–List made. This is the schedule I made for myself: Sunday–Rugs Monday–Cozies Tuesday–hacky sacks Wednesday–baby blanket Thursday–scrubbies Friday–knitting Saturday–misc. sewing and crafts I am hoping this…
WIP Wednesday–Cozies
I had a run on selling the microwave cozies in my booth, so they took over for a few days this past week. I still have a pile to make which you will see in my photo below. I still think I did pretty well on my to-do list. Let’s see: Finish current prayer shawl…
WIP Wednesday–Midweek Retreat Coming Up
Yes! I have another quilt retreat to go to already. This one is mid-week, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week. I have 3 projects I hope to finish while there. More on that later with a picture. For now let’s see how I did on my to-do list from last week. Make a hacky sack…
WIP Wednesday–Retreat Report
Now, I didn’t even think to take pictures at the retreat. Shame on me! I feel like I did well. I worked on making items for my booth. I finished 8 covered notebooks, 5 doll blankets, and 4 pocket tissue covers. I also cut 5 inch squares from Valentines fabric and lined them to sew…
WIP Wednesday–New Project
Yes, I’ve done it again, I’ve found something new to make. A kind woman at church gave me the bag of yarn to make prayer shawls, as I mentioned in last week’s post. But, she also gave a bag for me. I knew she put in cotton yarn for the washcloths I crochet. I didn’t…