Whew! I am keeping busy….pretty much too busy! Here is my to-do list from last week: Keep working on cleaning and organizing my craft room.–Didn’t get much of this done, but find that I sold about half of my fabric pieces and bags of scraps in my booth, so I need to make up more….
Tag: sewing
WIP Wednesday–Marsha’s Spot
Whew! I made it through the garage sale day, and setting up my booth the same day. If interested, you can check out the website for the Market. My booth is #166. Hutch Vintage Market Before I go in to all of that, let’s look at my to-do list from last week: Finish a minimum…
WIP Wednesday–What a Week!
This week is a whirlwind! A little time here for this and a little time here for that. Not near enough time for the things I feel I really need to get done. I did get a booth at the Market. I will move in May 1st…….after I have sat at my daughters for a…
WIP Wednesday–Hidden Treasures
Have you ever been looking for one thing and end up finding many other treasures along the way? I went to my closet to find the bag where I had my plastic canvas blocks. I ended up finding 2 big bags of fabric that I forgot I had stored in there. Plus, I found a…
WIP Wednesday–Prep Work
This past week has been more prep work than actually finishing anything. I will have details in my pictures. This is last week’s to-do list: Get as many projects completed as I can from the table. –only 2 scrubbies completed. Work on the Fields of Green rug. –I see I didn’t say how many rows,…
WIP Wednesday–A Table of Projects
I have my name on the waiting list for a booth at the Vintage Market. I don’t know how long I will have to wait for a spot, but I want to be prepared. I don’t want to mix up items that are listed for sale here on my site with what I put in…
WIP Wednesday–GoodBye March
You know my story—never get as much done on my projects as I hope to. I even made my to-do list shorter last week. Here’s my list from last week: Finish knitting scarf. — I did get further than usual, but it’s not done yet. 2 rows per day on Fields of Green lockerhook rug….
WIP Wednesday–To-Do’s
I did make some progress on my to-do list from last week. Let’s see what was on my list. 7 rows on Fields of Green locker hook rug.–done Finish the Easter/Spring wreath–done Finish the knitted scarf.–decided I want it longer than I thought. Finish crumb quilt.–done I made the 7 rows on my Fields of…
WIP Wednesday–Green Means Go
Green means Go and I should be going and going on my sewing and craft projects. Green is also for St Patrick’s Day. So, I’m wishing you all the “luck of the Irish” glitter-graphics.com I worked on all the projects on my to-do list from last week, and completed two. Here is my list from…
WIP Wednesday-To-Do’s are a No
This last week became very chaotic with too many “unexpected surprises”–some good, some not so good. Here is my list from last week: Finish knitting my scarf. I might be done in time for next winter? Cut and press all strips for the Spring/Easter wreath. Almost all are pressed. Add hexagons to my scrappy hexagon….